รูปแบบการจัดการเรียนการสอนเชิงรุก (Active Learning) ที่มีผลต่อผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียนของนักศึกษา ในรายวิชา MKT392 การจัดการโฆษณาและสื่อโฆษณาทางดิจิทัล มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม





วารสาร ISSN



Sripatum University


Research subject “Active learning management model that affects student achievement in MKT392 Advertising management and digital advertising media Sripatum University” Aims to (1) Study the model of active learning management that affects the learning achievement of students in MKT392 Advertising management and digital advertising media Sripatum University. (2) To study the relationship of the model of active learning management that affects the learning achievement of students in MKT392 Advertising management and digital advertising media Sripatum University and (3) To study the influence of an active learning model on the student achievement in MKT392 advertising management and digital advertising media. Sripatum University. The population used in this research study was students of Sripatum University who registered in the course MKT392 Advertising management and digital advertising the second semester of the academic year 2021, 150 students. This research used the questionnaire as the collecting data tool. Statistic to be used in this research were: frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and multiple regression analysis. The results showed as followed; 1) the model of active learning management in MKT392 Advertising management and digital advertising media Sripatum University was at a high level; 2) the model of active learning management was positive related to learning achievement at moderate level; and 3) the model of active learning management affecting the student achievement in MKT392 Advertising management and digital advertising media Sripatum University was at moderate level.



Blended learning management model, Satisfaction


