มนนภา เทพสุดขนิษฐา ชัยรัตนาวรรณ2567-06-172024-06-172567-06-30มนนภา เทพสุด และขนิษฐา ชัยรัตนาวรรณ. (2567). ภาวะโลกร้อน: ภัยคุกคามร้ายแรงที่ถูกขับเคลื่อนบนโลกยุคอุตสาหกรรม. วารสารสมาคมนักวิจัย. ปีที่ 29, ฉบับที่ 2, เมษายน – มิถุนายน, 96-113.e-ISSN 3056-9141https://dspace.spu.ac.th/handle/123456789/9770This article decribed about three main aspects: 1) Causes of global warming problems, 2) Effects of global warming problems, and 3) Guidelines for solving global warming problems.The current state of global warming has escalated to the point where it has significantly altered the Earth's climate, leading to extreme weather events. These events include heatwaves, prolonged droughts, rampant wildfires, sudden heavy rainfall, and intense storms, all of which pose severe threats to natural ecosystems and human survival. In light of these developments, this article aims to present knowledge about global warming in three main aspects: 1) Causes of global warming problems, 2) Effects of global warming problems, and 3) Guidelines for solving global warming problems. Research findings indicate that the primary cause of global warming stems from human activities, particularly industrial processes that emit various greenhouse gases, notably carbon dioxide. These gases act as the main drivers of the problem by disrupting the natural balance of the atmosphere, leading to an excessive greenhouse effect. Consequently, the Earth's surface temperature has risen abnormally, resulting in global warming. The impacts of global warming are evident in changes to the climate and rapid melting of polar ice, which, in turn, contribute to various crises threatening all forms of life. Mitigation strategies involve reducing carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere and eliminating sources of carbon dioxide emissions, which would alleviate the severity of global warming and foster sustainable societies.thGlobal WarmingGreenhouse GasesGreenhouse EffectExtreme WeatherGlobal Warming: A Severe Threat Driven by Industrial EraArticle