Assistant Professor Dr.Anupong Avirutha2562-02-132019-02-132561-12-01Anupong Avirutha 2018 The impact of digital transformation to business performance in thailand 4.0 era purpose of this research is to study whether digital business transformation significantly affect SMEs to increase the business performance including the financial perspective, customer/marketing perspective, internal process perspective, and learning and growth perspective. The research design is designed as a quantitative research. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to analyze the survey responses. Using SME is to specify, test, and modify the measurement model. The results of measurement model analysis and path model analysis are presented. The data set of 500 samples are collected. The results of structural path analysis indicate that two hypotheses are statistically significant and positive.Digital BusinessTransformationSmall and Medium EnterprisesPerformanceThe impact of digital transformation to business performance in thailand 4.0 eraArticle