กัลยารัตน์ ธีระธนชัยกุล2564-06-302021-06-302564-06-30วารสารวิชาการบริหารธุรกิจ สมาคมสถาบันอุดมศึกษาเอกชนแห่งประเทศไทย ในพระราชูปถัมป์ สมเด็จพระเทพรัตนราชสุดาฯรปีที่ 10 เล่มที่ 1 มกราคม- มิถุนายน 2564 หน้า 30-48.https://dspace.spu.ac.th/handle/123456789/7674Abstract The objectives of this study were to: 1) study the levels of social support, quality of life, and happiness of the elderly people, 2) compare the levels of happiness of the elderly people in terms of personal factors; and 3) study the influence of levels of social support and quality of life towards level of happiness of the elderly people. The sample of this study was 384 samples, who were Thai elderly, aged 60 years and over as well as being members of elderly club in Bangkok and metropolitan area. Gathering data from the questionnaire by using simple random sampling technique. The data analysis used statistical software with the significance level of 0.05. The statistics, were used to analyze, were mean, t-test, F-test and multiple regression analysis. The results found that: 1) the level of social support had high average level ( = 3.54), the level of quality of life had moderate average level ( = 3.29), and the level of happiness had low average score of 24.61 under the indicators of happiness of Thai people standards., 2) the differences of the levels of happiness of the elderly people in terms of personal factors found difference in gender, age, level of education, marital status and average monthly income with the significance level of 0.05; and 3) the influence of the levels of social support and quality of life towards level of happiness of the elderly people found that the level of social support (beta = 0.331), and the level of quality of life (beta = 0.680) influenced level of happiness of the elderly people in the percentage of 56.60 with the significance level of 0.05. This study can be the guidelines to help the elderly people in Bangkok and metropolitan area. Keywords: Social support Quality of life of the elderly Happiness of the elderly peopleThis research has the objective to study the level of factors, causes and effects of being an innovative organization of small and medium enterprises in the service sector of Thailand. And to study the influence of cause and effect factors of being an innovative organization of small and medium enterprise businesses in the service sector of Thailand. As well as developing an innovative corporate model. The sample group in this research selected to study only SMEs businesses in the service sector who are members of the Thai Small and Medium Enterprise Association. By choosing to study employees who have positions at the supervisor level Total of 340 people. The researcher has analyzed the data. By using a statistical package for research purposes. The level of significance was 0.05. The statistics used for data analysis were as follows: frequency and percentage values, mean and standard deviation, confirmation element analysis. And to examine the consistency of the research model with the empirical data. The research results showed that Digital technology factors Business transformation factors and System factors there was a high influence on the organizational factor. And the innovation organization factor influences the business performance at a high level as well. The digital technology factor Business transformation factors and system factors have a positive direct influence on innovative organizational factors. And innovative organizational factors have a positive direct influence on factors of business performance. The digital technology factor Business transformation factors. And working system factors have direct, positive and indirect influences on business performance factors. As well as the developed models, they are consistent with the empirical data. Keywords: Innovation organization small and medium business, enterprises in the service sector in Thailand.แรงสนับสนุนทางสังคม คุณภาพชีวิตของผู้สูงอายุ ความสุขของผู้สูงอายุอิทธิพลของแรงสนับสนุนทางสังคมและคุณภาพชีวิตที่มีต่อความสุขของผู้สูงอายุเขต กรุงเทพมหานคร ปทุมธานี นนทบุรี และสมุทรปราการ.อิทธิพลของแรงสนับสนุนทางสังคมและคุณภาพชีวิตที่มีต่อความสุขของผู้สูงอายุเขต กรุงเทพมหานคร ปทุมธานี นนทบุรี และสมุทรปราการ.Article