ธนกฤต พลูน้อยThanakrit Phloonoi2567-03-202024-03-202554-http://dspace.spu.ac.th/handle/123456789/9706This survey research was proposed to examine the effect of learning achievement based on case study approach in LSC405 Strategic Supply Chain Management. The research was also extended to investigation on opinions regarding to case study approach used in the class. After collecting 77 samples from students who enrolled LSC405 Strategic Supply Chain Management in the second semester of B.E. 2554 by questionnaire, a computer package was used to calculate statistics such as percentage, mean, standard deviation. The results of the study show that the participated students significantly improve their knowledge in the Strategic Supply Chain Management. Regarding to student satisfactions, the average level of satisfaction is in “good level”. The participants also provide useful suggestions for instructional practices. For example, appropriate suitable time program should be appointed, and variety of topics and applied computer programs in Supply Chain Management would help better understanding of the students.thInstructional PracticeCase StudyLearning AchievementStrategic Supply Chain Managementการศึกษาผลของการใช้กรณีศึกษาจัดการเรียนการสอนในรายวิชา LSC405การจัดการ โซ่อุปทานเชิงกลยุทธ์ สาขาวิชาการจัดการลอจิสติกส์ และโซ่อุปทาน คณะบริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม ปีการศึกษา 2/2554A Study of Learning Achievement on LSC405 Strategic Supply Chain Management by Teaching with Case Study Field of study Logistics and Supply Chain Management Faculty of Business Administration Sripatum University in Semester of 2/2554Other