แนวทางการคำนวณดัชนีพลังงำนจำเพาะเพื่อการชี้วัดสมรรถนะ ด้านพลังงานในกระบวนการขนส่ง





วารสาร ISSN



วารสารศรีปทุมปริทัศน์ ฉบับวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี


Transportation in Thailand is the economic sector that dominate more than one third of the nation energy consumption annually. Typically, the cost of fuel is the largest portion among total transportation operation cost. Accordingly, transportation sector becomes the focus for Thailand to achieve better energy performance according to the Nation’s 20-Years Energy Conservation Plan. Energy management strategy is a key factor to promote energy effciency in transportation process in which energy saving target and performance indicator are needed to be defned and monitor properly. Similar to industrial processes, Specifc Energy Consumption (SEC) can be used as energy performance indicator of transportation operation. Since SEC indicates the amount of energy usage per unit of activity (i.e. product or service), it can help to explain status of energy and operation performance of transportation processes. This can lead to effective problem fnding and evaluation of energy saving potential. This report explains a guideline of how to evaluate SEC for transportation operation. SEC is evaluated based on a proportion between amount of energy used per product of transportation activity which is travel distance (e.g. kilometer) or the value of travel distance – average load carried (e.g. kilometer-ton). According to limitation for most transportation service providers found in Thailand to gather detail data, a practical means to estimate SEC value is recommended.



ดัชนีพลังงานจำเพาะ การปฏิบัติการขนส่ง อัตราการสิ้นเปลือง สมรรถนะด้านพลังงานโลจิสติกส์, Specific Energy Consumption, Transportation Operations, Energy Consumption, Energy Performance, Logistics


วารสารศรีปทุมปริทัศน์ ฉบับวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี