BUS-04. บทความที่ประชุมวิชาการ (ระดับนานาชาติ)
URI ถาวรสำหรับคอลเล็กชันนี้
กำลังเรียกดู BUS-04. บทความที่ประชุมวิชาการ (ระดับนานาชาติ) โดย ผู้เขียน "Anupong Avirutha"
ตอนนี้กำลังแสดง1 - 4 ของ 4
รายการ Consuming Behavior of Elderly toward Online Shopping in Thailand(Sripatum University, 2564-10) Anupong AviruthaThis study attempts to study the purchasing behavior online shopping of elderly in Thailand. Elderly confronts several positive and negative aspects in their online shopping. The results of this study revealed that elderly consider the online shopping and their experience to be a positive factor. The respondents in this study must be residents of Bangkok, Thailand at the age between over 60 years old. The numbers of respondents are 250 respondents. The participants in this study are voluntary and anonymity. This study employed convenience sampling to collect data. The survey is expected to be responded by the one who has the experience with the online shopping. The numbers of respondents are 250 respondents. The most average spending for online shopping each time is 500 baths, the payment is made by credit card or debit card. The elderly shoppers have online shopping frequency more than once in a month. They mostly purchase product or service through online once a month for household supply and groceries. Most of elderly consumers have considered when online shopping of how and where they purchase that is comparing price, and low price is the motivation for their purchasing. There are a few problems that elderly customers still have to face while shopping online, and the most problem was reported is that searching a product / service is ranked as the most problemรายการ Service Marketing Mix Affecting Customer Decision Making of Domestic Private Express Courier Service(Sripatum University, 2564-10) Ravipa Akrajindanon; Anupong AviruthaThis study attempts to study the relationship between service marketing mix and customer decision making of domestic express courier service. This study employed convenience sampling to collect data. A total of 400 usable samplings of e-marketplace customers are obtained. The findings reveal that the predictor variables of service (β = 0.356, t = 6.341, P = 0.000), and place (β = 0.363, t = 4.872, P = 0.000), people (β = 0.168, t = 3.187, P = 0.002), and process (β = 0.151, t = 3.317, P = 0.001) are achieved significance.รายการ The Digital Literacy of the Small and Medium Business Workforces in Thailand(Sripatum University, 2563-12) Anupong Avirutha; Ravipa AkrajindanonThe problems and challenges faced on the road to becoming digital and analyses a new approach for business industries to initialize their digital transformation. Business owners or executives must consider about their business transforming to the digital era, crafting strategy for the purpose of achieving sustainable innovation in the face of the reshaping of the industry and the market and how companies can overcome these obstacles and become digital. Digital literacies and skills are another significant consideration focused on developing the human capital force. The findings reveal that the predictor variables of photovisual (β = 0.174, t = 2.357, P = 0.000), reproduction (β = 0. 211, t = 2.579, P = 0.000), branching (β = 0.243, t = 4.857, P = 0.000), information (β = 0.155, t = 4.582, P = 0.000), and socioemotional (β = 0.257, t = 2.248, P = 0.000) are achieved significance at the 0.05 level.รายการ The Digital Literacy of the Small and Medium Business Workforces in Thailand(Sripatum University, 2563-12) Ravipa Akrajindanon; Anupong AviruthaThe problems and challenges faced on the road to becoming digital and analyses a new approach for business industries to initialize their digital transformation. Business owners or executives must consider about their business transforming to the digital era, crafting strategy for the purpose of achieving sustainable innovation in the face of the reshaping of the industry and the market and how companies can overcome these obstacles and become digital. Digital literacies and skills are another significant consideration focused on developing the human capital force. The findings reveal that the predictor variables of photovisual (β = 0.174, t = 2.357, P = 0.000), reproduction (β = 0. 211, t = 2.579, P = 0.000), branching (β = 0.243, t = 4.857, P = 0.000), information (β = 0.155, t = 4.582, P = 0.000), and socioemotional (β = 0.257, t = 2.248, P = 0.000) are achieved significance at the 0.05 level.