Graduate College of Managenent
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กำลังเรียกดู Graduate College of Managenent โดย เรื่อง "Ability to use technology"
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รายการ CASUAL FACTORS AFFECTING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES AND BUSINESS PERFORMANCE OF RESTAURANT ENTREPRENEURS IN THAILAND : THEORIES AND CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK(2566-04-02) PEARAYA SUKKITJEA, PRAPHAN CHAIKIDURAJAIThe Objectives of this research are as follows: 1) To study the causal factors affecting the competitive advantage of restaurants in Thailand 2) To study the influence of competitive on restaurant business performance in Thailand. 3) To model the causal factors that affect competitive advantage and restaurant business performance in Thailand. The review literature by documentary research from 250 articles can be used for 120 articles, with the source of the articles from numerous databases. The research methodology is the mixed method through conducting of quantitative and qualitative research for data collection. The quantitative research is an analysis of the structural equation modeling (SEM) and the in depth interview as part of the qualitative research.