College of Logistics and Supply Chain
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กำลังเรียกดู College of Logistics and Supply Chain โดย ผู้เขียน "Asawin Wongwiwat"
ตอนนี้กำลังแสดง1 - 1 ของ 1
รายการ Comparative study of participatory teaching using technology with traditional teaching(Sripatum university, 2562-07-31) Asawin WongwiwatParticipation in the classroom affects learner’s learning process since instructors can only evaluate students’ understanding by means of questions and answers. This helps fulfill the missing knowledge of students. However, students are not willing to ask questions and answer questions because of the social concept and culture rooted in their minds. The study uses various technological tools like Facebook Group, PollEV, Google Forms. Students enrolled in the same subjects are divided into 2 groups. Group 1 applies traditional teaching whereas Group 2 implements technology in teaching. Measurement results are from midterm exam results and final exam scores of both groups.