School of Business Administration
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กำลังเรียกดู School of Business Administration โดย ชื่อ
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รายการ 9 กลยุทธ์การตลาด เพื่อความอยู่รอด(2552-07-16) ระพีพร ศรีจำปารายการ 9 กลยุทธ์การตลาด เพื่อความอยู่รอด(2552-07-16) ระพีพร ศรีจำปารายการ Air Travel Behavior and Attitude of Domestic Passengers toward Low Cost Airline Services(CHOPHAYOM JOURNAL, 2562-09) Chuleewan Praneetham; Prasert Sitthijirapat; Jaree Phrommana; Jutarat LaophramThe purpose of the research was to study the air travel behavior and attitude of domestic passengers toward low-cost airline services. The samples of the study were 400 Thai passengers selected by purposive sampling technique. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The data were analyzed by different methods as follows: percentage and frequency were used to analyzed basic data. Mean and standard deviation were used to analyze attitude toward low-cost airline services. Pearson chi-square was used to analyze the relationship between demographic factors on behavior toward air travel, t-test was used to analyze passengers’ attitudes toward low-cost airline services with different genders, and One-way-ANOVA was used to analyze passengers’ attitude toward low-cost airline services by age, education, and occupation factors. The study indicated that the main objective for flying was leisure. The respondents came along with 2-3 companions. They used service 1-5 times yearly. Most of them traveled on Monday to Friday, reserved air tickets via airline mobile application. They, mostly, bought tickets 1 month in advance, and paid by credit card. Most of them checked in via checked-in counter. They searched and received the information about the airline services from the internet. The research findings revealed that personal factors; gender, age, education, and occupation were highly correlated with consumers’ behavior of low cost airlines at the 0.05 level of statistical significance. The passengers had high level of satisfaction for check-in, boarding service, and baggage services. Results also showed that different gender, age, education, and occupation factors were not difference significantly to attitude of domestic passengers toward low-cost airline services. The information from this research can be used to set a plan for marketing mix strategy of low cost airline in order to increase the number of their customers.รายการ Airlines’ Strategic Response to COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Thai Air Asia(Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Burapha University, Faculty of Humanities, Prince of Songkhla, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mahasarakram University, Ramkamhaeng University, and Hankuk University of Foreign Study, 2565-07-01) Tammanoon Wisitsak; Suthinee MongkolThe COVID-19 pandemic significantly disrupted the world aviation industry. In order to pass through this difficulty, each airline reacted or responded to the crisis differently. Thai Air Asia is one of the badly affected airlines but never stop its efforts in continuing all the operations. There are new products and services that Thai Air Asia created and offered to the passengers during the pandemic. The purpose of this research is to study Thai Air Asia’s strategic response to the COVID-19 pandemic by having the 7Ps marketing mix theory as a principle. Data collection are firstly from in-depth interviews with two groups of participants, passengers and employees, and secondly from a Thai Air Asia publication transcribing. When referring to the 7Ps marketing mix theory, the result shows Thai Air Asia’s capability in business continuation as well as the increase in passenger and employee’s satisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic.รายการ Applying Government Innovations for Public Management and Public Services(Ramkhamhaeng University, 2566-04) Anaphat Nongkoo; Supawadee HamaneeAbstract. Innovative government becomes an important principle for governmental agencies to cope with severe challenges and to be adaptable and viable in a changing and disruptive world. This article aims to explore the models and applications of technology and innovations in the public management and public service delivery of the public sector, providing guidance for those interested in building upon these products or services, as well as management processes, in order to enhance the competitive capabilities of businesses or other sectors within the country. Various types of innovations and digital government technology have been applied in Thailand and abroad including artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, big data analytics, government innovation labs. In Thailand, research and development of government innovations have employed digital technologies as the primary tool for the development of public management and services. Besides, the government may focus on the application of policy-based innovations for strategic planning and policy. The development of government innovation helps create opportunities for collaboration between the private sector and the public to achieve common goals among government agencies, the private sector, and the public sector to create shared value in utilizing digital technologies, leading to effective and innovative public management and public services.รายการ Assistant Professor(DBD, 2561-12-12) Dr.Anupong AviruthaDigital Marketing in One Single Marketing (On Life)รายการ Assistant Professor(Veridian E-Journal Silpakorn University, 2561-12-01) Dr.Anupong AviruthaThe purpose of this research is to study whether digital business transformation significantly affect SMEs to increase the business performance including the financial perspective, customer/marketing perspective, internal process perspective, and learning and growth perspective. The research design is designed as a quantitative research. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to analyze the survey responses. Using SME is to specify, test, and modify the measurement model. The results of measurement model analysis and path model analysis are presented. The data set of 500 samples are collected. The results of structural path analysis indicate that two hypotheses are statistically significant and positive.รายการ Aviation Accidents Caused by Human Error(2565-08-07) Ratthapong Ma-soom; Vichit U-on; Kingkeaw PornapiraksakulThis independent research the objectives were 1) to study the factors of human error, 2) to study air transport accidents, and 3) to study the relationship between human error affecting air transportation accidents of airline employees. The sample group used in this research was airline employees. By using questionnaires as a tool to collect data The statistics used in the descriptive analysis were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Test the hypothesis to compare the results of the research. It was found that human error affecting air transportation accidents of airline employees. Overall, it was at a low level. Operational efficiency of airline personnel the overall picture is at a high level. Individual factors with different gender, age, occupation, status, age of employment and income It is effective in performing different tasks. And in each aspect of behavior while working and the aspect of violating the rules while working is different from person to personรายการ THE BUSINESS PERFORMANCE OF DIGITAL BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION ON SMALL ENTERPRISES IN THAILAND(Sripatum University, 2561-05) ANUPONG AVIRUTHAThe purpose of this research is to study whether digital business transformation significantly affects SMEs to increase the business performance including the financial perspective, customer/marketing perspective, internal process perspective, and learning and growth perspective. The research design is designed as a quantitative research. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to analyze the survey responses. Using SME is to specify, test, and modify the measurement model. The results of measurement model analysis and path model analysis are presented in this chapter. The data set of 500 samples are collected and summarized as shown in this chapter. The results of the EFA show that cross loading items are eliminated and other measurement items are consistent with the construct validity. The results of the CFA show that the sample data are a favorable fit to the measurement model. Hence, the structural model was reasonably acceptable. The results of structural path analysis indicate that two hypotheses are statistically significant and positive.รายการ Casual Factor Study Influenced toOrganizational Commitment of Generation of Y Personnel Working in Energy Business and Public Utility in Thailand(sripatum University, 2559-07-21) กัลยารัตน์ ธีระธนชัยกุลการวิจัยครั้งนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์ เพื่อศึกษาปัจจัยเชิงสาเหตุที่มีอิทธิพลต่อความผูกพันต่อองค์กรของบุคลากรกลุ่มเจเนอเรชั่นวายที่ปฏิบัติงานภาคธุรกิจพลังงานและสาธารณูปโภคในประเทศไทย และเพื่อศึกษาอิทธิพลทางตรง อิทธิพลทางอ้อม และอิทธิพลรวมของแบบจำลองความผูกพันต่อองค์กรของบุคลากรกลุ่มเจเนอเรชั่นวายที่ปฏิบัติงานภาคธุรกิจพลังงานและสาธารณูปโภคในประเทศไทย ผู้วิจัยกำหนดกลุ่มตัวอย่างในการศึกษาวิจัยครั้งนี้ คือ บุคลากรกลุ่มเจเนอเรชั่นวายที่ปฏิบัติงานภาคธุรกิจพลังงานและสาธารณูปโภคในประเทศไทย จำนวน 300 คน ทั้งนี้ผู้วิจัยใช้สถิติในการวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลครั้งนี้ มีดังนี้ ค่าความถี่ (Frequency) และค่าร้อยละ (Percentage) ค่าเฉลี่ย (Mean) และ ค่าเบี่ยงเบนมาตรฐาน (Standard Deviation หรือ S.D.) การวิเคราะห์องค์ประกอบเชิงยืนยัน (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) และการตรวจสอบความสอดคล้องกลมกลืนของโมเดลการวิจัยกับข้อมูลเชิงประจักษ์ ผลการวิจัย พบว่า ผลการวิเคราะห์องค์ประกอบเชิงยืนยันอันดับที่สองปัจจัยเชิงสาเหตุที่มีอิทธิพลต่อความผูกพันต่อองค์กรของบุคลากรกลุ่มเจเนอเรชั่นวายที่ปฏิบัติงานภาคธุรกิจพลังงานและสาธารณูปโภค ในประเทศไทย พบว่า ค่าไค-สแควร์ (Chi-Square) มีค่าเท่ากับ 8.77 ที่ชั้นแห่งความเป็นอิสระ (Degrees of Freedom) 11 มีค่าความน่าจะเป็นเข้าใกล้ 1 (p = 0.64291) นั่นคือ ค่าไค-สแควร์ ไม่มีนัยสำคัญทางสถิติ และค่าดัชนีวัดระดับความกลมกลืน (GFI) รวมทั้งค่าดัชนีวัดระดับความกลมกลืนที่ปรับแก้แล้ว (AGFI) มีค่าเท่ากับ 1.00 และ .96 ตามลำดับ แสดงว่ายอมรับสมมติฐานหลักที่ว่า โมเดลการวิจัยสอดคล้องกลมกลืนกับข้อมูลเชิงประจักษ์ และปัจจัยที่มีอิทธิพลรวม (TE) สูงสุดต่อความผูกพันต่อองค์กร (CORG) คือ องค์ประกอบด้านภาวะผู้นำของผู้บริหาร (LEAD) มีค่าอิทธิพล เท่ากับ .63 รองลงไปคือ องค์ประกอบด้านความพึงพอใจในงาน (JSAT) และองค์ประกอบด้านบรรยากาศองค์กร (OCLI) มีค่าอิทธิพล เท่ากับ .38 และ .37 ตามลำดับ เมื่อพิจารณาอิทธิพลทางตรง (DE) พบว่า องค์ประกอบด้านความพึงพอใจในงาน (JSAT) มีอิทธิพลทางตรงสูงสุดต่อความผูกพันต่อองค์กร (CORG) มีค่าอิทธิพล เท่ากับ .38 รองลงไป คือ องค์ประกอบด้านภาวะผู้นำของผู้บริหาร (LEAD) และองค์ประกอบด้านบรรยากาศองค์กร (OCLI) โดยมีค่าอิทธิพล เท่ากับ .32 และ .31 ตามลำดับ เมื่อพิจารณาอิทธิพลระหว่างปัจจัย พบว่า ปัจจัยเชิงสาเหตุ สามารถอธิบายความแปรปรวนของความผูกพันต่อองค์กร ได้ร้อยละ 84.00 (R2 = 0.84) และ มีสมการโครงสร้าง คือ CORG = 0.38(JSAT) + 0.31(OCLI) + 0.32(LEAD)รายการ Causal Factors Influencing Service Quality of Hotels in Chonburi Province(2561-08-26) Pimsiri Dujda; Sukunya Thipa; Pornwan Nunthaphadรายการ Competency Development of the Hotel Staff in Koh Samui, Surat Thani Province(CHOPHAYOM JOURNAL, 2561-11) Nisarat Thaithong; Chuleewan Praneetham; Matthew Noades; Prasert SitthijirapatThe purposes of the research were: 1) to develop the competencies of the hotel staff in Koh Samui, Surat Thani Province, 2) to compare the competencies of the hotel staff before and after training, and 3) to survey the satisfaction of the participants with the training course. The sample subjects of the study were fifty hotel staff in Koh Samui selected by purposive random sampling. The research instruments were 1) a training course, 2 pre-test and post-test, 3) a 5-point rating scale questionnaire, and 4) an open-ended questionnaire. The statistics used were the percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, and t-test was used for hypothesis testing. The findings revealed that: 1) the training helped to enhance the personnel' competencies on service mind, cross-cultural competency, human relations, team work, personality / emotion control and problem-solving., 2) the hotel staff’s post-test scores were higher than the pre-test scores with statistical significance at the .01 level., and 3) the participants confirmed that they were satisfied with the training program and gained more knowledge, competencies, and skills. Improving employees’ competencies is necessary and could improve the performance, job, and satisfaction of organization. Therefore, education and training for enhancing career and development of competencies should beprovided to hotel staff and the personnel in the tourism and service industries in order to improve organization development and gain competitive advantage.รายการ Consuming Behavior of Elderly toward Online Shopping in Thailand(Sripatum University, 2564-10) Anupong AviruthaThis study attempts to study the purchasing behavior online shopping of elderly in Thailand. Elderly confronts several positive and negative aspects in their online shopping. The results of this study revealed that elderly consider the online shopping and their experience to be a positive factor. The respondents in this study must be residents of Bangkok, Thailand at the age between over 60 years old. The numbers of respondents are 250 respondents. The participants in this study are voluntary and anonymity. This study employed convenience sampling to collect data. The survey is expected to be responded by the one who has the experience with the online shopping. The numbers of respondents are 250 respondents. The most average spending for online shopping each time is 500 baths, the payment is made by credit card or debit card. The elderly shoppers have online shopping frequency more than once in a month. They mostly purchase product or service through online once a month for household supply and groceries. Most of elderly consumers have considered when online shopping of how and where they purchase that is comparing price, and low price is the motivation for their purchasing. There are a few problems that elderly customers still have to face while shopping online, and the most problem was reported is that searching a product / service is ranked as the most problemรายการ Consuming Behavior of Elderly toward Online Shopping in Thailand(2564-10-28) Anupong Avirutha, Supawadee Hamanee, Rachata Rungtrakulchai, Prasert Sitthijirapat, Oyjai MaliwanThis study attempt to study the purchasing behavior online shopping of elderly in Thailand. Elderly confronts several positive and negative aspects in the online shopping. The results of this study revealed that elderly consider the online shopping and their experience to be a positive factor. The respondents in this study must be residents of Bangkok, Thailand at the age between over 60 years old. The numbers of respondents are 250 respondents. The participants in this study are voluntary and anonymity. This study employed convenience sampling to collect data. The survey is expected to be responded by the one who has the experience with the online shopping. The numbers of respondents are 250 respondents. The most average spending for online shopping each time is 500 baths, the payment is made by credit card or debit card. The elderly shoppers have online shopping frequency more than once in a month. They mostly purchase product or service through online once a month for household supply and groceries. Most of elderly consumers have considered when online shopping of how and where they purchase that is comparing price, and low price is the motivation for their purchasing. There are a few problems that elderly customers still have to face while shopping online, and the most problem was reported is that searching a product / service is ranked as the most problem.รายการ The Contemporary of Single Dad in Thai Society(วารสารศรีปทุมปริทัศน์ ฉบับมนุษย์ศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์, 2558-07) Warunsiri Praneetham; Asst.Prof.Prasert Sitthijirapat, Ph.DGlobalization brings many changes to Thai society. One of them was single parent status. This article aims to present review of the contemporary of single dad in Thai society, role of single dad in Thai society, and the impact of became to single dad.Moreover, the paper also reviews the public policy and useful sources for single dad. The contribution of article would provide more understanding of single dad.รายการ Customer Satisfaction toward the Marketing Mix of Big C Supercenter at Suwannaphum Branch in Roi Et Province(2565-01-15) Itsarin Tisantia; Kingkeaw Pornapiraksakul; Natsapan PaopunThis research aims to study demographic factors and measure levels of customer satisfaction toward the marketing mix of Big C Supercenter at Suwannaphum Branch in Roi Et Province. The research hypothesis is that customers of different genders, ages, statuses, education levels, occupations, and average monthly incomes have different levels of satisfaction toward the marketing mix. The researcher carried out a customer satisfaction survey, applied purposive sampling, and collected data from questionnaires that were filled in by 400 customers. The data were analyzed using T-Test and F Test (One-Way ANOVA). The analysis of demographic data showed that most of the respondents were female students who were single and under the age of 20. The majority of the respondents whose education levels were lower than a bachelor’s degree had an average monthly income of no more than 10,000 baht. The analysis of customer satisfaction toward the marketing mix (7Ps) revealed that the overall satisfaction stood at 4.36 ( X ). “Product” gained the highest satisfaction, followed by “People,” “Price,” “Place,” “Promotion,” “Physical Evidence,” and “Process” respectively. As for the results of the hypothesis test, customers of different genders had the same level of satisfaction; however, customers of different ages, statuses, education levels, occupations, and income levels had different levels of satisfaction at a significance level of 0.05.รายการ Density of coral recruits on dome-shaped coral nurseries in Mu Ko Chumphon National Park, the western Gulf of Thailand(Ramkhamhaeng University, 2565-05) Wanlaya Klinthong; Charernmee Chamchoy; Makamas Sutthacheep; Arirush Wongnutpranont; Nachaphon Sangmaee; Sitiporn Pengsakun; Phanuwat Damphupha; Supawadee Hamanee; Anupong Avirutha; Supasit Kongdee; hamasak YeeminNatural recruitment is an important recovery process in coral reef. Coral reef areas were decreased cause by climate change around the world. Therefore, several shaped of the artificial reef were designed to enhance the available substrate for coral recruitment. Knowledge of coral recruitment is required for understanding and managing coral reef ecosystems. This study quantified the abundance and taxonomic composition of juvenile corals on natural reefs and their relationships with dome-shaped coral nurseries in Mu Ko Chumphon National Park, the Western Gulf of Thailand, after deployed for one year. Dome-shaped coral nurseries were set up at Ko Rang Kachiu and Ko Ngam Yai. The results showed that the total density of coral recruits at Ko Gnam Yai was higher than that at Ko Rang Kachiu after six months (36.50±11.26 and 8.50±2.51 recruits/m2 ) and one year (69.79±10.26 and 39.77±4.51recruits/m2 ). The coral recruits of Pocillopora and Porites were commonly observed in shallow reef flats and reef slopes at Ko Rang Kachiu and Ko Ngam Yai. After one year, sizefrequency distribution of coral recruits ranged from 0.3-3.0 centimeters. The average sizes of coral recruits at Ko Rang Kachiu and Ko Ngam Yai were 1.79±0.30 and 0.84±0.23 centimeters, respectively. A better understanding of coral recruitment pattern is necessary for planning and managing of coral reef recovery in a global warming crisis.รายการ Digital Marketing(2561-12-12) Assistant Professor Dr.Anupong Aviruthaรายการ Digital Transformation(2562-09-06) ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.อนุพงศ์ อวิรุทธารายการ Driving Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in the Wellness Industry in Thailand(Sripatum University, 2567-04) รวิภา อัครจินดานนท์; อนุพงศ์ อวิรุทธาThe Thai wellness industry. Employing qualitative research methods, it analyzes the challenges and opportunities for driving sustainable and inclusive growth in the Thai wellness sector. The findings suggest that while sustainability practices are gaining traction, the industry must do more to enhance inclusivity in wellness services, ensuring accessibility and affordability to a broader segment of the population. This article underscores the importance of aligning the wellness industry in Thailand with sustainability and inclusivity goals to promote both individual well-being and the well-being of the broader community.