BUS-02. บทความวิชาการ/วิจัย (วารสารระดับชาติ)
URI ถาวรสำหรับคอลเล็กชันนี้
กำลังเรียกดู BUS-02. บทความวิชาการ/วิจัย (วารสารระดับชาติ) โดย ผู้เขียน "กัลยารัตน์ ธีระธนชัยกลุ"
ตอนนี้กำลังแสดง1 - 1 ของ 1
รายการ Model of relationship of factors influencing the performance of the food and beverage business in Thailand.(วารสาร UTCC International Journal of Business and Economicsปีที่ 11 ฉบับที่ 2หน้า 179-198, 2562-08-01) กัลยารัตน์ ธีระธนชัยกลุThe purposes of the research entitled, “Model of relationship of factors influencing the performance of the food and beverage business in Thailand” were to study factor influencing business operational results of food and beverage industry in Thailand, the direct, indirect and overall influence of a causal relationship model and to ascertain the validity of developed model in comparison with the available empirical data of food and beverage industry operational results in Thailand. The relationship between developed model and empirical data of business operations of food and beverage industry in Thailand was also under the study. Total 300 section head and higher up of food and beverage industry were selected as research samples from the reliable stock listed companies. SPSS computerized program is engaged in analyzing and processing the collected questionnaires, having statistical significance 0.05. Data were analyzed using are Frequency, Percentage, Mean, and Standard Deviation or S.D., Confirmatory Factor Analysis, and Coefficient Correlation of research model with the empirical evidence